Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Particularly Tired

I am particularly knackered today. Yesterday seemed to have far too
many things happening, and by the time I got to the end of it I was
exhausted. Almost completely unable to communicate, and somewhere
halfway between sleeping and waking. Today I'm tired but just about
hanging on.

Somehow answering the phone seems to have become stressful because it
keeps distracting me from learning Arabic or writing emails. I don't
know how such a simple job could have taken on such painful
characteristics, but it's amazing what seems a challenge from day to

I'm not really sure what I was expecting from the meeting yesterday,
just that it had a different outcome from the one in my head, at least
from what I'd envisaged. I'm not sure where I saw the discussion
leading but it took a more personal slant from what I had intended.
Maybe that's selfish, but sometimes the only place to start is
yourself. You can describe what's happening around you and your
reaction to it, and sometimes that's all we have, especially when
we're stuck in a place (not physical) that we don't necessarily want
to be. It certainly helps to talk about things, to put things in
perspective. I have a feeling that writing things down lets some of
those things out into the open, and separates them from yourself.

I seem to be too tired to make a coherent sentence and I'm struggling
to even remember anything today.

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