Sunday, May 14, 2006

Tango Time

Looking at the autocomplete function on the title, it seems like I've written a lot of blog entries starting with 'T'. It's amazing what psychoanalysis can do. Last night I went to Alistair MacDonald's party, an annual gathering of arty types for St Dymphna's day (the patron saint of insanity). Much fun was had over many glasses of wine, and there was a lavish spread, of which the remaining last scraps were forced into doggy bags and into our hands on the way out. Alistair put tango music on for most of the night, given that he's a major tango exponent in Glasgow it was a good soundtrack for the evening. After a few hours I appeared to be more drunk than I had anticipated, but carried on drinking the freely flowing wine. There's something about red wine that makes you feel really strange when you've drunk too much of it. At some point in the night I agreed to write some piano duet tangos for the tango class that Alistair frequents, so I've got that hanging over me. I have a feeling that it'll be a good laugh though, and it's always good experience to be writing music, whatever the genre.

I discovered interrobangs today. I'm not really sure where one would use them, and I've hardly ever had a really strong desire to combine a question and exclamation mark.

I think I'm going to go and investigate my coffee maker, which hasn't been off the shelf for a while. I think an espresso would go down just well about now. Then I can tackle the tango with an alert mind.

The SonicFusion festival launched on the Friday just gone, with an all electro-acoustic concert. Despite the festival having the makings of a class A event, it was diabolically organised. They were still rehearsing as guests arrived at about 7.45, and during some of the pieces leads were being pulled out, reconnected and levels were being changed. All that should have been sorted before the concert started, since it's really quite distracting to have some people continuing a dialogue across the hall about the levels on a guitar, even worse with the lights up. Combine that with the second rate pieces (with the exception of Alistair's) and the terrible sound quality, I was disappointed with the outcome of the gig. It just didn't bode well for the start of an 'international' music festival. Anyway, time to find the coffee maker.

1 comment:

Miss Flint said...


OMG, You're Right!! Weird. Good point.