Friday, December 29, 2006

The solution

I've suddenly realised. It's all very simple actually.

Sometimes it takes you a while to digest what people are telling you, and then as you come to terms with it you realise that they were right all along, but you hadn't realised in what way they were saying something. There was one thing that I realised this with today, and it was only while I was sitting in the bath and I took time to digest what had been talked about over dinner that I realised the implication of my responses to certain questions. I'm sure what I'm about to write down applies to a number of things, but in particular this has certain resonances for myself.

1) Most importantly, simplicity is the key. Perhaps you've been jostling with a few ideas, but there is only one you can truly use.

2) If it's tried and tested, and it's stood the test of time, it means it must have at least some inherent use. Use it.

3) Most peers talk utter bollocks. Everything they say, without exception, must be taken with a pinch of salt. Never rest what you do or are planning to do on a single utterance.

That's all for now. I'll let you know how I get on implementing them.

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