Monday, August 21, 2006


All's quiet in Merston. There are no lights on in any of the houses, and when I switch the light off it's pitch black- literally you can't see where you're going. Usually you'd have a little light from the moon but it's cloudy and I don't think it's even out tonight. There's the occasional sound of a car passing, but other than that it's just the countryside rustling in the breeze. Peaceful.

So quiet because my parents have gone to the Midlands and left me home alone. I'm coping okay so far- I haven't broken anything and have managed to find things to eat. Tomorrow may prove a little more taxing when I decide to venture forth in the real world to buy food and get my hair cut, but I'm already mentally preparing myself. Should be fine.

Tonight I was a little bored so I watched yet another episode of Frasier and a film called The Cooler on the now free Film4. Both entertaining, and although Frasier seems a little dated it's still good. Let's just hope I don't get addicted to Lost and completely devote my life to series.

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