Friday, July 14, 2006

A time to blog

I got my new phone a few days ago and I think it's about time to grace the email facility. Aside from the wonderful camera, and web browser and bluetooth and whole host of other things, it speeds up the process of writing, sending and receiving emails, although I'm thinking my monthly bill will be slightly larger as a result, even though I've got a really good contract with loads of free texts and minutes.
So. I'm in Sussex, as I got the phone delivered here rather than Glasgow. This evening we put up a Gazebo in the garden for the party on Sunday, and through dinner (take-away again) we got quite a few calls from people asking where our house was, and how long they could stay. It's only supposed to be a few hours, but loads have decided it'll be a good time to catch up. I somehow think we're going to be having a very large breakfast on Sunday. I'm also not feasibly going to get much time to compose over this weekend, so I think I'll be writing tomorrow when the hoards haven't arrived yet, and as soon as they depart on Monday. Perhaps I have done too much thinking about what I'm going to improvise at this gig. Maybe I should make an effort for it to be as spontaneous as possible, and concentrate less on the elements that are pre-defined.
Anyway, I get to see my niece again when she appears, which is always a pleasure. My dad and I are heading over to my brother's rented property to house sit for what sounds like a parcel. They're only renting this house while they look for another, but I think they've become rather settled there with the view over the downs and the bizarre layout of the house (I'll try to get some pictures).
It must be bedtime now so I think I'll see how Adso is doing (Name of the Rose).

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