Tuesday, July 18, 2006

Will the world last?

This is a very long train journey, and I haven't blogged since before I left for Chichester. Although I've been away from Scotland for less than a week, this last weekend has seemed like forever. Not in a bad way, just that it's been very memorable. I never thought that my parents' party would be such an event, but I had a really good time and met some people, who often remarked 'Gosh! I remember you when you were this high', indicating a height that I swear I never was, and of whom I have scant memory. Usually it's best to smile and nod and then return to serving drinks, but they all seemed genuinely interested in what I was doing and how much I'd done since they last saw me. It was a swelteringly hot day, and everyone was outside in the garden drinking sparkling wine and chatting. Everyone that my mum invited turned up, much to her surprise. She'd ordered a lorry-load of canapés for the guests, and my sister-in-law and I spent some of the morning cooking them, after my mum didn't realise they needed cooking and announced she was going off to change. I really didn't get much writing of music for this gig next week done, despite having spent so much time with Logic open on the Mac. It just doesn't seem to have happened. I struggled in the heat to battle with the stupid quirks of the program, and failed to make or produce any sounds that inspired me. I'll just have to hope for the best when I get back to Glasgow and battle against the odds.

I played loads of piano, especially for the party, and got some really encouraging comments, so I'm not giving up just yet. Although my bass is broken and I'm going to have to get it fixed before next week- not sure of the feasibility of that.

Had some interesting ideas about possible careers, some involving music and others not. I'm just not sure that there's a way for a classically trained pianist/composer to make any money in this day and age. Perhaps 60 years ago or more, but now it seems increasingly impossible to use the skillset I'm endowed with, unless it's in a University- and I then refer you to the section on always having to have a PhD before being able to teach in Higher Education. Oh well. Other avenues await me.

There's a glorious blue sky outside as I'm travelling up England, and the weather forecast for tomorrow is better than today. Highest temperatures for a while apparently, especially on the South Coast. I'm planning on iced lattes in the afternoon and composing early evening. Hopefully not much will distract me apart from possibly badminton and coffee. Much work to do.

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