Monday, January 02, 2006

Being cynical helps... honestly

First blog post ever. Only time will tell as to whether this is a good idea or not.

Today is the first day of a new year, and many hopefully many things should come of it. New music, new words, new experiences, new countries and new jobs. Well what makes me think this year is going to be different from the last few and change the way things are for me and the people around me? I've changed my attitude. More Cynicism and More Ambition will go hand in hand to produce something truly new. Maybe I shouldn't pin so much hope on America and what's going to happen in the next few months, and concentrate less on what people think of me and my work, and concentrate on finding things that make me happy in the meantime. Call me a hedonist, but I really think the only thing that should be important is finding interesting things to do and enjoying them. Stuff around me in the months preceding christmas seems to have taken on a bitter tang in my mouth, so much so that it impaired my daily life and made me want to go and curl up in a ball and pull my soft green blanket over me. However I have found that ignoring these elements completely and /living/ in complete ignorance is better for me. I think it's better to know that these things go on around me but that they Don't Affect Me.

Having received a shiny new black iPod Nano for christmas from my beloved brother I have proceeded to fill it up with the most enjoyable music I could muster. Lightning Bolt and Ruins are some welcome discoveries along with Andriessen and my old favourites Squarepusher etc.

I finished 'Catch 22' over the holiday also, and it proved to be a moving experience, rather long winded but worth the wait at the end. Hardly the Laugh Out Loud experience that I was expecting, and rather less well written than I expected. I was quite surprised because the comments were that it was a book of the century, worthy to stand among the classics. What are your thoughts? I'm prepared to dispute this because the quotes suggested I would be ambivalent about it, but I feel rather apathetic.

Anyway I must get back and finish the parts for 'short story' before I go back to temping on Friday. Joy of joys, the world of administration and photocopying awaits me at the offices in Glasgow University. At least it means I'll be able to eat this month. I must muster the strength the visit the cinema this week, even if I don't have a clue what's out and good at the moment.

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