Monday, February 20, 2006

If everybody told the truth

I think we'd be lying to each other.

Today looks like another blue sky and bitter cold day. On Sunday I sat in Kelvingrove park, at the top near Park Circus and enjoyed the glorious sunshine. I thought about what things change a person's view, and what makes them happy. I am happy to say I was contented then, and felt like I didn't need to _be_ anywhere. There are a few clouds moving past today as I write, but the majority of the sky is a brilliant blue.

I have to find a new place to live. Simple as it might seem, but it is in reality quite a daunting task. The major problem is hopefully not in finding somewhere to live but in moving the truckload of stuff I seem to have acquired. Perhaps I should just consider getting rid of a chunk of it. I know there's a box with things in the storage cupboard that is almost totally redundant. Since my life seems to be spent either on my laptop or in a coffee shop, perhaps I should consider ditching some of these things that I might eventually use. It's just that there are a lot of things that I keep for sentimental or aesthetic reasons: I've owned a lot of my parents' artwork over the years and I didn't realise how many items I have here, let alone at home. I suppose the real problem is not this laptop but the other bulky computer that just takes up too much space. It's alway been a pain moving it and perhaps now should be the time that I thought about a solution for either replacing or ditching it.

Life is very simple at the moment, and that certainly suits the occasion. I have:
No music to write
Only one day a week work
No impending performances
and I'm really quite enjoying it. It gives me time to read all those things I've been meaning to read for the past six months. Time to write my blog. Time to talk to those people I've been neglecting for all this time, and start some collaborative projects that I really think are worthwhile. I can also sort out the electronic gig which has seemingly been put on permanent hiatus despite my efforts.

I'm also looking forward to a trip to Italy in a couple of weeks to write music and enjoy life, Italian style. The good thing is that I don't really have to prepare much before I go out there, I simply have to sit down and write music. I considered for a while going to study in Italy - Rome or Florence - since I love the history and the intrigue, the way of life and the weather there. I suppose the thing which stuck in the back of my mind is that you could never really /become/ an Italian, you're always a foreigner who's settled there at one time or another. The pros outweigh the cons though - it'd be great learning the language and finding a place to live in such a historic city. Well, I think we should wait and hear back from the New York institute before thinking about other plans - a week till the end of the month and I'm waiting for that letter.

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