Sunday, February 26, 2006

Too busy to blog

I'm sure I have had a few minutes to sit down and blog sometime this week, but there's always been one thing that desperately needs doing, and of course that takes precedence over a web diary. I suppose when I got to Saturday and discovered that at 11 o'clock I didn't really have that much to came as a shock. The last week has been a hazy blur of work, play, playing, concerts and lots of walking about. Not that I don't enjoy it, just that I prefer to do things in smaller chunks, and not have days where I don't eat till 11pm.

On Thursday night after work and a rehearsal of a work of mine, I went to a concert accompanied by some fine fellow Scots. It was taking place in the new City Halls, the refurbished home of the BBC SSO. Unfortunately we arrived quite some time after the concert had started, and we were informed that we wouldn't be able to find out the programme, or even where we were before purchasing a ticket. Also they told us we'd have to pay full price. When we'd bought the tickets and gone to the door, we were told we couldn't enter between pieces because it was being recorded, and that the piece we were interested in hearing was probably before the interval. Also we were told that it was probable that Beethoven was the only piece in the second half. Frustration occurred and a manager was sought, who informed us even he didn't know the running order. After contacting someone closer to the orchestra, we discovered that actually the piece we wanted to hear was after the interval, so we sat down and had a drink in the bar while we waited for the people to come out. It was at this point we started discussing the shoddy paintwork and general build quality of the refurbishment. I pointed out some cabling behind me, a few plugs with bare wires exposed, which I poked at, and then to my dismay the lights went out in the bar. We swiftly moved seats to avoid detection, but to no avail as we were the only people in the bar. Don't worry we managed to look innocent enough and they didn't question us. Suffice to say that the piece we were hoping to listen to, by a rarely heard Italian composer who died recently, was very disappointing. The hype surrounding his work was, I believe, unjustified after having heard that work.

I'm off to Italy in less than a week, and I must say the excitement is increasing. I have enough to do before then though, and prepare sufficiently in time for the flight leaving. I think the impending week is going to be as hectic, if not more than the previous one, so I'm looking foward to more fun and frolics. I'll be web designing this week for a member of the family, and I'm anxious to do a really good job for them and do their work the justice it deserves. Not just that but make sure it gets the press over the internet it really needs. I'm sure attention is the last thing they need, but it might just bolster some confidence.

Off now to more rehearsal. At least the sun is shining today. It's just hit me over the top of the tenements. I'll post when I can, probably in work.

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