Wednesday, March 08, 2006

¿C'è nessuno?

Sent by MMS.

Well. What is it about the Italian way of working that is so different to the British? There are so many I don't think you can start to compare them, but there are a few I love and a few that I hate. Nothing, and I mean nothing, starts on time. Not that that's a problem but it takes a wee while to get used to it. I suppose it has something to do with the weather. Permanent warm weather makes one a little lazy, although it's cold at the moment it's usually scorching in the summer.
They also love their philosophy, and this impedes the progress of things a little although it can produce a better product. Caffe and a chat are constant companions to the day- suits me just fine. I really can't imagine having had a better time here so far. I've seen Bologna which was beautiful and slept in an attic apartment with a wonderful view. Ah, but more when I return.

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