Thursday, March 30, 2006

Tunnels and Lights

I received a letter from my dad today which had a stamp on it, and the stamp itself has a picture of a sabre tooth cat. The cat is growling in a fierce, yet melancholy way. I don't know why I've stopped to look at it, just that I particularly like the appearance of this stamp. It makes me feel... necessary. Necessary to someone else, that they've gone to the trouble of creating something that enables one person to communicate with another, and that this object should be something of aesthetic worth.

A previously unnamed communications company who have provided me with some hours of grief after they announced after I moved flat that actually they couldn't move either broadband or telephone as there was 'no cabling in my building'. This wouldn't have infuriated me quite so much if it wasn't that I had moved just three blocks down, in a well populated area of Glasgow. I just couldn't get why they wouldn't have bothered giving access to one street and not the other, but that's the way of the world. As it is, they're going to charge me for disconnection - the rest of my contract, because they can't install it. Yet another huge bill to pay.

Well today I'm in Edinburgh for teaching again, and it seems like I'm coming to some conclusions about what I want to do, at least in the immediate future. I'm going to investigate all the opportunities presented to me, and not ignore anything. Let's go wherever I choose to, and do all the concerts I think I should do. I'm going to follow up all those leads I meant to so long ago. Life should be fun...

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