Sunday, March 26, 2006

Wet Sunday afternoons

Well this is your typical wet Sunday afternoon. I'm sitting here in Offshore having a quiet drink and surfing the internet. Perhaps I'm better off alone, or maybe that's a preconception that I've begun to believe as truth. Or maybe I'm just hungry and I should go home for some lunch.

New flat is working out nicely, and with a bit of effort my room might look better. Perhaps I should unpack the rest of the stuff that's in my room and settle in properly. The problem is I have too much stuff, and not enough storage space or furniture. I saw a nice table for only £30 in a shop, and since I have a small wobbly thing at the moment, it might be a worthwhile investment. I do however, have a futon-sofa thing that is very comfortable and a welcome place to relax and watch movies in the room.

I've been planning what to do in the rest of this year and, well, the rest of my life. I don't see why I can't just do what I want - travel, write music and earn money in the times inbetween (and maybe during if I plan right). I'm going home in a few weeks and I'll have time to think about it more then, but I had a very useful time this Friday past, sitting in a coffee shop in Edinburgh with a notebook, writing down exactly what I wanted and then deciding how I could act on iit. Somehow it makes it easier to have it all down on paper. I think one of the main conclusions I came to was that I want to be a musician and a performer, and I want to just take life easy and strive for those things that mean something to me. Maybe that's selfish but I don't see what else could bring me satisfaction.

Perhaps we'll get internet in the flat tomorrow, and then I'll put posts a little more frequently. Start of a new week, and time to sort all those things that have Sat Untouched for so long. Perhaps I'll get a new phone as well.

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