Wednesday, April 05, 2006

Future and beyond

Well I'm sitting here in work today waiting for my lunch break to finish, thinking about the coming weeks. I have exciting plans, and things are changing again. Finally I get the chance to go home in little over a week. It's a scary thought given that my students will be handing in their final projects when I return after their Easter break. I'm feeling confident though, although many of them have so much to do.

I'm feeling positive about going home. It's been long overdue to see any of my family, but especially my little niece who's more than a precocious little wonder. I think what I'm looking forward to more than anything is the opportunity to take a step back and look at my options for the coming year, and assess the state of affairs with regards to my 'career' in music. Perhaps I'll also get paid and then I can stop worrying about my finances as well. It's going to be an opportunity to sit on that lovely brown leather sofa and chill out to the tune of a couple of good movies too.

Next week I'm off to York for a long overdue reunion with an old friend. It seems like so long since we last physically saw each other, and again before that it was at least half a year. We need a chance to catch up and see what we're both doing in our lives, where we're going and where we want to go (a common theme at the moment). It'll also be good to have a wander and a break from Glasgow before I go home. It seems like we've moved along in our lives, but that our communication hasn't. Maybe I'm in a different place than where I was when we last were together, but that doesn't change the connection that we have. I think that she's the most down-to-earth person I've ever known, but maybe that's just my memory tinting things for me. No use being nostalgic anyway.

Let's go to... somewhere I can chill out and drink coffee, or that revitalising tea that I drank last weekend. I'm coming to the conclusion that offices in general are bad for your health, and that spending a third of your life in them can only have a detrimental affect. Perhaps I'll go and repair wells in Japan and achieve total serenity. My positive thought for today is that I don't have a reason to be sad, so I will achieve purpose in some way or another.

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