Sunday, April 30, 2006

Verbose explanation

I think it's about time I talked, as it's been a while. I've even been prompted to blog by a friend, so it's high time. I was thinking about explaining what's happened over the last few days. It seems like it's been a busy time. I didn't even feel like like talking today because I almost had too much to say. Maybe that's crazy but sometimes it seems like there's so much to say it's not worth saying anything. That said I had a good time, enjoyed some music - particularly good piece by a friend of mine.

Right - so on Wednesday I arrived back in Scotland from my blissful time in Chichester. I left Merston at approximately 3 o'clock in the afternoon, and got into my flat here in Glasgow at 7.30pm. Not bad going methinks, and it seemed like the easiest trip ever. I'm quite pleased I'm back because the weather here on Friday and Saturday was nothing short of idyllic. The sun was out in full force, and unlike the previous occasions this year it was having an impact. My students were out playing ball in the field outside the department, and it certainly didn't seem like a day for analysing bizarre 20th century music. However, they were good spirited and we had an excellent and productive lesson. Backtracking a little, on Wednesday evening I received at about 11 o'clock, by email, a score for the rehearsal the following day. You'll find the details of the concert on my website, but suffice to say I'm playing a solo (albeit short) at the beginning of the second piece. I wouldn't have been so bothered if a) he'd sent it to me at least a week before so I could at least practice it on a real piano and b) it wasn't _so_ difficult I had to go and have a cup of tea to recover after just looking at the score and tempo marking. We were playing it the next day, and I had till 10 o'clock in the morning to learn it, if only for the rehearsal. I did my best, and although it's better now I don't like not being able to play things in rehearsals. We received one of the other works as we sat down to start, and although this is all very 'new music' and exciting to get a score hot off the press, it's good to have a look over it before starting the rehearsal. The rest of the rehearsal went very smoothly and I was reasonably happy with the results. We went out for a coffee and then pizza afterwards, and it wasn't until about 9pm that I realised I was so dog tired from having travelled so far the previous day, then having spent the whole day in a rehearsal that I just needed to go home and collapse. Which I promptly did. I've pretty much mastered the piano part now, and given that I've had it for four days, I think it's pretty good going.

On Friday after I finished working in Edinburgh I travelled back to Glasgow by train, and stopped at Vroni's where my flatmate works. It's a pretty nice wine bar in the centre of Glasgow, and if you're passing through it's worth a look, if only for the wonderful staff there. I only called in to say hi, but I agreed to meet Helena later there, and although I managed to distract myself suitably and the time seemed to just disappear before I had to return, I was in high spirits because of the weather. Also I like wearing lecturing clothes (jacket and smart trousers with a smart top - not shirt). I was only going to meet Helena for a drink and hang out for a bit as it was a Friday and felt I should do something, but we ended up staying till closing, and I drank copious amounts of wine and thoroughly enjoyed myself. We then - I know not why - proceeded to Blue Dog to get totalled. I bought G&Ts, which Helena has no recollection of, and talked to an old friend I bumped into for a while before I found my dancing shoes and then staggered back with Helena before realising it was 4. Helena berated me on the return journey for having accompanied her because apparently women should be safe to walk home on their own in the middle of the night. I tried to point out that I simply chose to leave at the same time as her, and on prior reflection you're generally safer in twos than on your own at night, male or female.

I woke up at nine to remind Helena she had to orchestra, but she was already awake and walking around in a dazed and ponderous fashion. I offered her cereal but she said she didn't want sweet things or milk, so opted for the empty stomach and hangover. I think she'd probably have only settled for porridge anyway, and I didn't have any of that. I spent the rest of the morning learning the piano part and remembering funny things from the previous night, after which I dozed, and then we spent the afternoon in the park enjoying the wondrous rays of heavenly bodies. And eating ice slush drinks which made me completely hyper for about five minutes before I crashed, but that was ok because the sun was out. Later I fell asleep in front of Howl's Moving Castle - dubbed in English and not as good as the Japanese - before I crawled into bed for a much needed kip.

This week holds concerts, rehearsals and the planning of the end of May, which is becoming increasingly complicated. Actually I won't start about that because I'll never finish writing...

1 comment:

Miss Flint said...

ha ha no no no, I wasn't berating you, just being belligerent. It's normal!