Tuesday, June 06, 2006

Longest train journey ever

I just wrote a really long email on this train, but managed to press the 'hang up' button by mistake instead of delete near the end, and wiped the whole lot. That makes me want to get a new phone that has decent email capability rather than this rather shoddy example, which has let me down on more than one occasion. Never mind. I was just saying that it's going to take only a little longer to finish this journey, which started at 10.30 this morning. I'm taking the train on Helena's recommendation, and so far it seems a wholly agreeable alternative, in terms of cost and ease.

Tomorrow sees the decision as to whether I get to run this Electro gig I've been planning since last... I don't remember. I'll keep you updated, but I'm sure I'll be publicising it heavily if it goes ahead anyway.

So I've been trying to decide exactly what I'm doing over the coming year. Here's the outline... Summer: try to work and save money, while enjoying the sun and trying to do some music and writing. Autumn: if I have a job in a University teaching, all the better, but if I don't, go home to Sussex and get a more lucrative job or one in Scotland that suits. Winter: survive the cold and earn money without losing my sanity. Spring: continue earning money and plan trip away if I don't have Uni job. I don't think I want to think further ahead as it makes me feel a little nauseous, but I'm going to apply for PhD starting 2007. That gives me a little time to start research into the areas I'd like to investigate with my PhD, and all the more reason for someone to give me an opportunity to do supported research. Technology in performance and interdisciplinary collaboration are the areas I'm heading towards, two areas that can overlap to some degree. Anyway this is slow without a keyboard so I'll get back to The Prince.

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